Well, this is the last one, everybody. I've spent a few gloriously relaxing days at home but unfortunately the massive stack of work that I have yet to finish before the end of the year can be ignored no longer. I'm here in my room back at Mudd hunkering down to get some good 'ol fashioned homework done. And I really hope that it doesn't take a long time.
But it might. I was telling my mom today that since I'm not working on normal "problem set" type homework I don't know how long it will take. I need to do some research to answer a few questions I have and if I happen to find just the write article in the first 30 min my work will be easy. I could just as easily spend 10 hours and not find anything of use and then work would be very difficult and time-consuming.
For clinic, I need to figure out a way to take a distributed light source (made up of several LEDs) and 1) focus it as much as possible to preserve the efficiency of our device and 2) distribute it evenly across a 37mm face. I think I've got some solutions that will get me part way there but I'm not sure if this is a problem frequently dealt with in science so I'm not sure how much stuff is out there.
For my independent research on color music, I need to find a way to correlate words like "warm," "heavy," and "active" to the aspects of music that they seem to describe. Hopefully by the end I'll have a system that will tell me how "warm" a piece of music is and likewise how I can make a piece of music more "warm." But like the clinic stuff, I'm really not sure how much of this stuff has been done before. If it has then research might be okay but if it hasn't, then research might be a painfully long process.
But we'll have to see! Thanksgiving is over (too soon some might say) and now its back to a 3 three week push to the end of the semester. In the words of a great sea captain (and I'll do something cool if anyone can name who it is and from which movie I've taken this), "Quick's the word and sharp's the action!"
A Continuation and a Lament
14 years ago