Thursday, October 15, 2009

18 hours and counting...

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hate to have to do this so soon but you would have found out eventually. There just isn't any more sense in pulling the punches! Nothing will come of veiling the truth, hiding the obvious, keeping it all under raps or under a hat or on the down low or so slow you lose control...

Sorry, lost myself for a minute there. You see, Mudd is hard.

I mean HARD. Not your usual "oh-I-forgot-there-was-a-test-in-AP-Physics-today-I-guess-I'll-just-have-to-rederive-all-of-the-crucial-equations-and-get-my-A" kind of hard. I'm talking about your "the-president-just-called-and-he-wants-me-to-successfully-bring-all-our-troops-home-while-fixing-the-economy-and-establishing-America-once-and-for-all-as-a-conscientious-and-respectful-nation-and-oh-yeah-your-significant-other-called-they-want-to-have-"THE TALK"-even-though-you-have-a-104-deg-fever-and-all-this-needs-to-get-done-before-tomorrow-and-oh-yeah-its-now-2AM-GO" kind of hard.

Okay, so I may have been exaggerating somewhat. But I won't lie, its true what they say about life at Mudd:

"School, Sleep, Social life: Choose two."

So here I am, 3 in the morning on the Thursday before Fall Break and I've got enough work to keep me busy without sleeping until Saturday. So guess which two I'm choosing?

Yep, school and more school.

You didn't think that was an option, did you? It's okay, you just need to think outside the box from time to time. Instead of A, B, or C I chose secret answer D. It's kind of like the secret menu at In 'N Out.

Okay, I'm not sure what I'm saying anymore. Plus I've spent too much time on this post as it is. I won't be sleeping for a few days while I get my work done, why don't you join me (by reading my posts, that is)?

I woke up today at 0900. I'm at 18 hours and counting...

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